Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mattress Manufacturer Converts to Hot Melt Adhesive

J amison Bedding has four plants in the United States. The company makes a mid- to high-end product and is the largest private label mattresses manufacturer in the country. The company sells their retail bedding primarily east of the Mississippi. Jamison is the fourth largest contract bedding manufacturer and sells to hotels like the Marriott chain and motels. In the past, the company had their own spring machinery but today they purchase the springs that are used in the production process.

Alternatives to Chlorinated Solvent Adhesives in the Mattress Manufacturing Industry

The Institute for Research and Technical Assistance (IRTA), a nonprofit organization located in Santa Monica, California, analyzed the cost and performance of alternative adhesive technologies used by the furniture and sleep products industries. This project was sponsored by the U.S. EPA with a grant from the Design for the Environment (DfE) Program. The Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment (CTSA) is a partnership with industry including the International Sleep Products Association (ISPA), Southern California Edison (SCE) and the Association of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers® (AWFS®).

Advanced Technologies for Machining Oil-Field Parts

New technologies offer heavy-duty metal removal, reduced setup steps and flexibility

Despite falling oil prices, the investment valve in the oil and gas industry remains on—for now—as manufacturers continue their race to provide large, precision parts for fracking, subsea drilling and other related activities. But as anybody in the energy sector knows: this is the land of boom or bust. So when the going is good, the industry can’t source pumps, drill bits and drilling equipment, tubular stock, and valves fast enough. When it’s not, well, that’s when it may be time to take stock of advanced machining technologies, which may offer flexibility to diversify manufacturing operations for another sector.

Multi Needle Chain Stitch Quilting Machine

Multi Needle Chain Stitch Quilting Machine has the ability of straight sewing and jump pattern quilting with 1200 rpm production speed even with the thickest materials. 

Multi Needle Lock Stitch Quilting Machine

Computerized Multineedle Quilting Machine 3 Needle Bars & 360º Motion; 
High quality Tag & Jump patterns even with the most thick materials, Unlimited Pattern selection with Unique software, easy maintenance via internet connection, Industrial touch screen panel, Electronic Thread Break Detectors, 30cm carriage travel, The biggest shuttles (No: 11), Lock Stitch for high quality stitching, Easy integration with optional Panel Cutting Machine. There are also sub models available. 

Panel and Border Cutting Machine

Quilted Panel and Border Cutting Machine provides panel and border cut for the mattress preparation of the quilted material.

Automatic Mattress Tape Edge Machine

Available both Lock Stitch and Chain Stitch sewing heads, Operator Carrying Platform, Automatic slowing down at the corner of mattresses, Adjustable Straight Sewing and Corner Turning speeds, able to sew 5cm to 40 cm mattresses.  Provides high output with minimum training time. 

Mattress Tape Edge Machine

Available both Lock Stitch and Chain Stitch sewing heads, Operator Carrying Platform, Automatic slowing down at the corner of mattresses, Adjustable Straight Sewing and Corner Turning speeds, able to sew 5cm to 35cm mattresses.